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Are We Ready Part 1

Are We Ready Part 1

AJCP285-055g, Atlanta Journal-Constitution Photographic Archives. Special Collections and Archives, Georgia State University Library

54 years ago Black News, the newspaper of the Brooklyn-based group the East, asked a good question, are we prepared to do the work required to make this country a better democracy? The paper made the argument that political transformation is hard work that requires sacrifice to the point of your physical condition. “We must put the right fuel into our bodies.” Nutrient rich food that aids in repairing the body is the kind of food that members of a liberation movement might consider adding to their diet. Nutrient empty and highly processed food disrupts the proper function of our internal systems resulting in illness. We must eliminate ultra processed foods made with white flour, white sugar, artificial flavors and colors, chemical additives, cane sugar sweetened soda, beer, wine, and other alcoholic drinks. “It is necessary for the survival of [our community] that we stop eating these processed foods . . . check [your] diet to see if you are getting the necessary nutrients. This should be done now because tomorrow may be too late.”

About Frederick Douglass Opie






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Are We Ready Part 2

Are We Ready Part 2

Eat to Live

Eat to Live