Ways to Use Herbs As Medicine
Black News published an interesting article on ways to use herbs as medicine. Some examples include in hot teas, infused in hot bath water, in oils, and as ingredients in soaps, and more. The following is a list of plants and herbs for cold seasons.
Elder - is an herb that is effective in healing respiratory problems, colds, and flu-like symptoms; when combined with ginger its effective at reducing fevers.
Nettle - heals chest colds, and soreness in the mouth and throat
Sage – it also heals sore throats and mouth ulcers. It can be made into a toothpaste and used as a mouthwash. It also helps in digestion and improves our memory.
Eye bright - heals inflamed and watery eyes
Marigold - relieves cold sores.[1]
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[1] Black News, March 1977