A Garden Rich Diet
Preparing the soil for planting seed, Courtesy of The New York Public Library
As mentioned in an earlier post, Dr. Alvenia Fulton’s education as a naturopath and entrepreneur began growing up on her parent’s family farm in Pulaski, Tennessee. She left the South migrating to Chicago after World War II. From 1971 to 1972 Fulton wrote “Eating for Your Health and Strength,” column in the Black-owned-and-operated Chicago Defender about health, healing, and nutrition. In one of her columns she wrote, a garden rich diet full of beans, herbs, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts is an excellent strategy for preventing Alzheimer’s and senility. She added, eat less and exercise more, enjoy long walks with friends and loved ones. She went to say, increase the amount of dark leafy greens you serve with each meal such as kale, collards, turnips and dandelion greens, which are all rich in vitamins. And eat all greens raw in a salad when they are young and tender.