Dr. Fulton on Aging Part 2
Peanut-shelling plant, Courtesy of the New York Public Library
This series is a continuation of the larger collection of articles based on the work of Dr. Alvenia Fulton. This particular series focuses on longevity and graceful aging.
Dr. Fulton says if you want to live long and well, follow the biblical recipe that calls for plants, seeds, Berks, and roots to serve as your medicine [consider the Hurston chapter on food as medicine here] and abundant life sustaining diet is one's best defense against dementia, Alzheimer's, and sensility (Chicago defender March 16, 1972) Eat a diet rich in plants products: such as beans, seaweeds, herbs, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. She says eat less and exercise more, particularly, non-weight bearing exercises such as biking and swimming but also enjoy long walks with friends and loved ones.