All in Food and Social Movements
In the forthcoming book Southern Food and Civil Rights: Feeding the Revolution, there is a section with recipes from the Afro-American Cooking School (AACS). Like the New Negro Alliance, the AACS remains largely forgotten today.
Author Fred Opie uses Arjun Appadurai’s theory of “Gastro-Politics,” meaning, “food related politics in which hierarchies, status and traditions are created and contested” to look at changes in hiring and promotion practices in the US food industry between the 1920s and 1970s. Opie talk is set in the first chapter of his book Southern Food and Civil Rights which looks at the transition from conciliatory strategies for change before the 1920s and the introduction of the radical direct action strategy which he links to India’s independence movement and the 1917 salt March against British mercantilism.
Operation Breadbasket started as an initiative of the SCLC in 1962
n 1963, SNCC organized a voter registration drive among African-Americans in Leflore County Mississippi in the Mississippi Delta. Slowly a number of African-Americans began heading up at the County Courthouse to register to vote.