Stumping and Eating In Illinois
Courtesy of Florida Memory Project
Today we continue in the theme of Stumping and Eating in America. Illinois is among a number of states hosting its Democratic Primary Election today including Florida, Arizona, and Ohio.
During the Great Depression the state of Illinois underwent a political realignment with Republicans existing their party to register and vote as FDR New Deal Democrat. Precinct captains announced that if one wanted Federal National Relief Agency (NRA) programs to continue to feed them, they had to vote Democratic. The strategy proved effective as the slogan “Let Jesus lead you and Roosevelt feed you” became popular. Other campaign slogans said, “If Lincoln were alive today, he’d be a Democrat.” The slogan “Do not bite the hand that feeds you,” made it’s point with hungry voters in Chicago and other parts of the state. NRA relief included food staples like lard, flour, and sugar.