Stumping and Eating in Ohio
Politician (to the right of the lady in the image) had a ice cream social In 1937, Courtesy of the Library of Congress
As part of our ongoing series stumping and eating let’s turn today to the state of Ohio. Some argue that Ohio could be the most important state for both parties to control. Food like clothing, hair, and speech are important identifiers for candidates and ways to say to each community’s residents, I am like you, share the same likes, values, and therefore support me on Election Day. In Ohio candidates for public office connect with potential donors as well as important political operatives at ice cream socials. Each campaign event provides the opportunity for the candidate to identify with locals favorite culinary traditions and foods and thereby the locals who enjoy them. Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream in Columbus as become a must stop for candidates running for office because its great ice cream place with long lines located in large renovated building converted into a thriving iconic indoor food market that is well trafficked by Ohio voters.