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Mayor Elect Bill de Blasio and Fast Food Workers

When Bill de Blasio became the New York City Public Advocate creating a department of community organizing we staff who went door-to-door to build support for his causes served as is first initiative. As mayor elect of New York City and improving the quality of life for fast food workers will likely be on his front burner. On the campaign stump de Blasio championed a living wage for the working poor as essential to improving the city's economy and he called for an investigation into the labor practices and wages of fast food restaurant chains operating in the city. A study done at the at the University of California-Berkeley Labor Center showed that the average wage for non-managerial workers at fast food restaurants at $8.69 an hour with the majority not receiving health insurance benefits.

Bill de Blasio On Fast Food: [Watch Now 2 min 6 sec] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf-tH9ZW35U

UC-Berkeley Labor Center Study: http://laborcenter.berkeley.edu/publiccosts/fastfoodpovertywages.shtml

New York City Food History and Recipes: http://www.foodasalens.com/search?q=New+York+City

Stumping And Eating Series: http://www.foodasalens.com/search?q=Stumping+And+Eating

Maple Syrup Part 2

Stumping and Eating at Sylvia's in Harlem