Courtesy of the New York Public Library
Both Herkimer classmate Ed Anderson and I remembered shopping on a limited budget at the town’s Great American Super Market. I’d cut out food coupons and coming up with creative ideas for inexpensive meals. “I got money every two weeks from my folk, I had to make it last,” said Ed. Finding smoked and salted pork parts and sweet potatoes needed to make collards and pie represented a serious challenge in Herkimer’s Great American super market. Back then I ate a lot of meat. I quickly learned that turkey parts, especially the wings could be purchased cheaply. I made fried turkey wings smothered in gravy. I also prepared inexpensive side dishes such as corn bread, biscuits, cabbage, sautéed green beans, corn on the cob, turnips and carrots. I developed a really good recipe for glazed carrots and glazed turnips that still make today (recipe below). In part it’s part of a recipe I saw Todd Ernest’s (a hockey teammate) mom make in her Mt Kisco Kitchen.
Glazed carrots and or turnips:
3 cups of diced carrots or turnips; steam until soft but still crunchy (I use a pressure cooker which is fast and preserves the vitamins and nutrients
1/3 cup of brown sugar
½ teaspoon of cinnamon
½ teaspoon of sea salt
Table spoon of Grated orange peel
1 teaspoon of pectin
4 teaspoons of butter or butter substitute
1/3 cup of orange juice.
Directions: bring the juice and butter to slight boil then add salt, seasoning, and pectin. Lower the heat and let it cook (about 3 minutes) until the sauce gels. Stir in steamed vegetables and let cook for a minute and serve.