Leveraging Food Waste
Courtesy of The New York Public Library
A food system is how a society and or community produces, processes, distributes, prepares, consumes food, and disposes of food waste. In a September 7, 1912 letter to the business manager at Tuskegee Institute Ernest Ten Eyck Attwell, Booker T. Washington writes, “Mr. Atwell, I was in the dining room this morning between five and 6 o’clock and I was surprised to see the large quantity of food which was being dumped into the [cart for feeding to the pigs]. Biscuits, cornbread and light bread that had not been touched either by students or teachers was dumped into the cart without anyone seeming to have any idea of the loss to the school on account of such action.” Moreover, I found no system in place to separate glass, metal, meat, bread, and peas so one can feed the edibles to the pigs. This “enormous waste” must stop.
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