Supporting African American Entrepreneurs
Courtesy of The New York Public Library
Booker T. Washington founded the National Negro Business League (NNBL) in 1900 to promote support entrepreneurship among African-Americans. As part of its 1912 annual meeting held in Chicago, the NNBL offered a number of sessions to help its members in the food industry: Making Farming Pay, CM Miller, Rolling Fork, Mississippi; My Success as Farm Stock Raiser, WV Smith, Larned, Kansas; Truck Farming, Washington Reed, Wellstone, Missouri; Truck Gardening, Gid Hooper, Fort Worth, Texas; Wheat Growing As a Business, JD Rouse, Hitchcock, Oklahoma; Conducting a Wholesale Commission Business in Fruits, Grains, and Vegetables, William P. Crump, Phoenix, Arizona; Ten Years as a Baker [presenters name not given]; Stable and Fancy Grocery Dealing, LD Lyons, Austin Texas; The Meat and Grocery Business, TJ Nevins, St. Louis, Missouri.