Here is another installment on series on Grange Hall history through the lens of food. As mentioned in early part of the series, Grange Halls served a similar role as Marcus Garvey’s UNIA Liberty Halls, civic institutions for advancing one’s interest. Both Grange and UNIA halls also hosted farmer education events, fund raisers, formal and informal events where members served food. WPA records located at the Library of Congress in the US capital are full of interesting full stories during the Great Depression. They had been collecting for a series never completed called America Eats. We know for example that at a Maine Grange event, old-timers loved dishes made with salt and dried fish such as fried tripe and smothered eels. Cod stew also served as a favorite. Popular desserts included applesauce, doughnuts, molasses cookies, and gingerbread. Old-timers prized dishes and pastries made with molasses.