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1920s Direct Action Movements

1920s Direct Action Movements

Sanitary Grocery Corporation Store, Georgia Ave, Washington, D.C., 1920, Courtesy of the Library of Congress

Sanitary Grocery Corporation Store, Georgia Ave, Washington, D.C., 1920, Courtesy of the Library of Congress

The New Negro Alliance in Washington, D.C. had the largest and most successful direct action movement of the 1920s through the 1940s. The movement included boycotts, picketing, the arrest of protesters, and court cases including the U.S. Supreme Court case, New Negro Alliance et al. v. Sanitary Grocery Co., Inc. The March 1938 case had a profound effect on similar movements around the country and laid the foundation for future U.S. civil rights cases.

About Frederick Douglass Opie






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Do Boycotts work? Part 1

Take Direct Action

Take Direct Action