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Review of the First Feature Film About Lacrosse, Crooked Arrows

Top row: Emmett Printup in the hat, state government official, Travis Solomon, Mark "Red Man" Burham with the stash, and Brad Kotz (Lacrosse Hall of Fame). Bottom row: Chief Oren Lyons (Lacrosse Hall of Fame) who was a goalie on the same undefeated SU team with Jim Brown(Lacrosse Hall of Fame) and my coach Roy Simmons Jr. (Lacrosse Hall of Fame). Everybody in the picture is a SU lacrosse alum, yes that's a baby faced Gary Gait (Lacrosse Hall of Fame) just two months after his senior year and another Syracuse lacrosse national championship.

Related Links Below

Movie Crooked Arrows: http://crookedarrows.com/

Lacrosse and Native American Sovereignty: /lacrossememoir/2010/07/iroquois-lacrosse-more-than-fun-and.html

Iroquois National Lacrosse and 1990 World Games: /lacrossememoir/2010/07/iroquois-pay-back-at-1990-lacrosse.html

2012 National Lacrosse Hall of Fame Class

2012 National Lacrosse Hall of Fame Class

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