Following the 1990 Lacrosse World Cup: Meeting Bishop Tutu
Following the 1990 Lacrosse World Cup, I returned to Gettysburg to continue my several jobs at Gettysburg College (G-burg), and I completed my MA degree in history requirements in time for the December graduation ceremony at Shippensburg University. Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa served as the commencement speaker. Our family had a history with Bishop Tutu that started back in the 1980s at Howard University where my brother Marshall earned his undergraduate degree. Marshall dated and became engaged to one of the Bishop’s daughter which lead to subsequent visit of the bishop and his wife came to our family home in Croton for a meal I was out of town at the time and never met him. Before the graduation ceremony started I managed to get my business card to him. He was gracious enough to invite me into the VIP tent to meet him. He was so surprised to meet me and learn that my parents where in the audience as well. My brother never married the daughter but I will never forget meeting him and wondering how that dinner with my folks went.