Be a Steve Mabus To Some Young Player
Freshmen Game at Croton Point Park in 1978, Fred Opie and Hank Vanassalt in the black shirts with white sleeves.
I am looking at my lacrosse career through Malcolm Gladwell’s book
It argues that success is a combination of opportunities, timing, and people in one's life.So how did I explain my
rise in the lacrosse world despite starting the game late and not coming from a
powerhouse program in the sport? The summer before I entered 9th or 10th Steve Mabus’ family moved to my neighborhood. Steve played college lacrosse for Kutz Town State and he had a lacrosse goal in his back yard. Steve was like having a private coach and he worked with me all summer long before Steve returned to college. Over the years I have reflected on the significance of Steve on my skill development and toughness. I often end lacrosse speeches with the statement: Be a Steve Ma
bus to some young player in your circle of influence.
My Series on Outliers:
Excerpts from Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers, The Story of Success:
Interview with Malcom Gladwell on Outliers:
[Listen Now 4 min 31 sec]
Croton and Yorktown Lacrosse: