Welcome to Dr. Frederick Douglass Opie's personal website

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Sankofa Lacrosse Interviews Part 5, Devon and Tre Sherwood

Fred Opie interviews Devon and Tre Sherwood. Devon played goalie at Duke University and Tre midfield at Western Connecticut University. They played high school ball at Baldwin High in Nassau County, Long Island. There father Chuck Sherwood played goalie at Hempstead High and then at Duke in the the early 1970s. They are members of the SanKofa Lacrosse Team on October 25, 2013 on the campus of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. Opie played lacrosse at Syracuse University and on the 1990 U. S. National Team. 

Sankofa Lacrosse Interviews: http://lacrossememoir.blogspot.com/search?q=Sankofa+Lacrosse+Interviews
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Sankofa Lacrosse Interviews Part 4, Chazz Woodson