All in Great Depression History
In part three of our series on Big Quarterly, a revival/food festival that had been held in the city of Wilmington Delaware, we talk about how the event evolved since the antebellum period. By the time Great Depression (1929-1941) Big Quarterly continued to attract large crowds of churchgoing African-Americans of all denominations which viewed it as ...
In August historically the most enthusiastically attended African-American event in the state of Delaware had been Big Quarterly a celebration held in the city of Wilmington. It attracted attendees from as far away as Georgia, West Virginia, and New York. It had been a day of . . .
I learned from oral histories and sources, like this 1940 Caswell County North Carolina image from the library of Congress, that long ago, rural folks would purchase a block of ice and chip off what they needed with an ice pick to make homemade ice cream.
Aunt Mary remembered out loud the years it took for her to master the sauerkraut that her husband loved, as younger women who coveted the recipe lingered on her every word.