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Food Rebel Jack Lalanne Part 2

Jack Lalanne in 1961 

In 1936 at the age of eighteen, in Oakland, California Jack Lalanne opened a first of its kind modern gym with equipment he designed, a juice bar that sold raw fruit and vegetable juices, and nutritious baked goods that his mother made. His facility also included and a health food store. As his business grew he turned to television to market his message about the power of exercise and good food first starting on local stations in the Bay area in 1951 and then on national day time television in 1959. He went on to market his own juicer. "Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together, and you’ve got a kingdom," became is mantra.” Here are some magnificent videos including one of the old Jack Lalanne show and an interview of Lalanne and his wife when he was 92.

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Food Rebel Jack Lalanne Part 1