Born in Annandale, South Carolina in 1943, Morehouse history professor Marcellas C. D. Barksdale recalls going to church with his mother on Easter which he describes as one of big event days in his mom’s church. I did an oral history interview with him for my book Hog and Hominy “My mother was a churchgoer,” he says, “and she would drag me, especially to the big events. We had the homecoming, pastor’s anniversary, Easter program, and all of them were social as well as cultural and religious programs.” He adds, “More often than not, when they had those big occasions, they would have these big eatings [sic], as I called it. All the members would bring food, sometimes they would have commonly cooked food [with the men doing an open pit barbecue and the women] . . . potato salad and macaroni and cheese,” says Barksdale. Weather man here in the Hudson Valley is telling us it will be in the 70s on Easter Sunday. So I am sharing a South Carolina barbecue sauce recipe, why not barbecue this Easter?
South Carolina Barbecue Sauce Recipe
¼ cup Worcestershire sauce
¼ cup brown sugar
¼ cup vinegar
¼ cup water
1 large teaspoon chili powder
¼ cup ketchup
Boil until thick, pour over vegetables or meat ½ hour before being done regularly basting it. Works well with vegetable kabobs too.