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1970 ASCRIA Conference

With Guyana’s Prime Minister Forbes Burnham’s support, the African Society for Cultural Relations with Independent Africa (ASCRIA) hosted a conference in the capital of Guyana in 1970. The conference focused on the them of Africanist and black revolutionary nationalist. The East’s Jitu Weusi and other African-American activist attended the conference. Burnham envisioned cooperative agricultural businesses as the best solution to ending capitalist exploitation and supporting economic independence for a nation like Guyana that consisted of a majority of lower caste citizens. It had been this pronouncement and the start of executing it that made Guyana a model for the East’s in terms of an alternative food system.

About Frederick Douglass Opie






For Speaking

Cooperative Decline In Guyana

 Julius Nyerere's Ujama

Julius Nyerere's Ujama