Coupons and Cooking
Both Herkimer classmate Ed Anderson and I remembered shopping on a limited budget at the town’s Great American Super Market. I’d cut out food coupons and coming up with creative ideas for inexpensive meals. “I got money every two weeks from my folk, I had to make it last,” said Ed. Finding substitutes for cooking family stables like collards greens represented a challenge in Herkimer super markets. I learned that turkey parts, especially wings could be purchased cheaply and cooked in varies ways. I used smoked turkey parts to cook a mess of greens and I made fried turkey wings smothered in gravy. Today I make those same wings in a air frier, they caught faster and they are healthier with the elimination of deep frying. Consider substituting smoked turkey parts for pork. And consider air frying instead of deep-frying poultry.