Welcome to Dr. Frederick Douglass Opie's personal website

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American Political Traditions

Here is another contribution in our ongoing series Stumping and Eating the role of food and beverage in political campaigns. Today we looked at the history and culture of US politics. Historically political parties used food to attract a large public following. Region and culinary culture determined the food at campaign events. Barbecue, fish fries, and oyster roast, dominated southern political events and clam and lobster bakes in New England, the Midwest and West can best be described as regions with a variety of food related campaign events depending on the ethnicity that dominated counties and urban and rural communities. Indigenous people, and people of African, Asian and Latin American descent had been absent from these public gatherings in early America with the exception of those hired to help prepare and serve the food and clean up at the end of the event.

About Dr. Opie






For Speaking

National Debt, Corruption, and Barebcue

Well Fed and Ready to Vote Republican

Well Fed and Ready to Vote Republican