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Ever Heard of Lemon Honey?

Is a recipe I found it when I did a search in my recipe archive using the term honey. There is no money in the actual recipe. I wonder if you can substitute only for the white sugar in the recipe? Honey is healthier because of the medicinal properties in it absent from white sugar.


One coffee cup full of white sugar, the grated rind and juice of one large lemon, the yolks of three eggs and the white of one, a tablespoonful of butter. Put into a basin the sugar and butter, set it in a dish of boiling water over the fire; while this is melting, beat up the eggs, and add to them the grated rind from the outside of the lemon; then add this to the sugar and butter, cooking and stirring it until it is thick and clear like honey. This will keep for some days, put into a tight preserve jar. It is nice for flavoring pies, etc.

(F.L. Gillette, The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887)

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Cherry Bounce Recipe

Cherry Bounce Recipe

1887 Pickled Cherries Recipe