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From Which Good Things Came Part 2

From Which Good Things Came Part 2

Courtesy of Phoenix Lachen

Here is part two of Harlem’s Congressman Adam Clayton Powell Jr’s (1908-1972) reflection on his mother’s Southern cooking. He served in the U. S. Congress (1945 to 1971). Powell recalls is mother famous baked, “popovers [which were] so big you could put up your hand inside, which there was room for plenty of butter.” A Popover is use purred to a hollow quick bread shaped like a muffin and made from a thin batter of eggs, milk, and flour. Popovers evolved out of English pudding batters from the 17th century with their first documented history in an 1850 letter and later in a late nineteenth century cook book. Its popularity made its way from Maine to New York.

Popover Recipe

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Palm Oil

From Which Good Things Came Part 1

From Which Good Things Came Part 1