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Improving How You Eat

Dr. Alvenia Fulton (1893 to 1999) had been a renowned dietitian and herbalist in Chicago. Over the course of her career, Dr. Fulton served as the dietitian for celebrities seeking to obtain and maintain a healthy and fit bodies and great-looking skin. From 1971 to 1972 she wrote a column for the Chicago Defender called “Eating for Your Health and Strength.” Here’s what she had to say about how to improve how you eat in response to a question from a reader. I share here answer in a paraphrased format when necessary to make it more accessible and as direct quotes as often as possible. “One of the quickest ways to improve [how you cook and eat] is to use safflower oil if we must fry foods. Enjoy a diet rich in greens, which in turn are rich in minerals.” Bake your own breads, biscuits, and muffins. Bake with unbleached flour and whole grains and had ground flax or chia seeds to your recipe for a great source of fiber that will help keep your colon clean and your body healthy. Serve salads with “foraged young and tender dandelion greens rich in vitamin A. Pick them before the flowers form. . . Use blackstrap molasses” as a sweetener in shakes or in baked goods, “it’s a rich and vital source of iron.”

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