Comedian and activist Dick Gregory first met Dr. Alvenia Fulton during his 1967 campaign for mayor of Chicago against the longtime incumbent, Richard Daley. One day Fulton dropped off some donated salads for Gregory and his staff. They said thank you and took down her name and address so Gregory could later thank her personally. After Fulton left they tossed the salad in the trash because the Daley political machine had a reputation that he would stop at nothing to win an election including poising an opponent. A funny story about Dr. Fulton’s salad is the reputation it had on street where her business was located. Locals believed the herbs in her salad dressing made you sexually potent. As a result, regularly shady characters from the neighborhood came in and ordered a salad, drank the salad dressing, and left without eating the salad.
Vegetable Salad Recipe
Cut or grate finely carrots, celery, cucumbers, green pepper, radishes, red cabbage, white cabbage, and parsley. Mix well on lettuce leaves and top with raisins, sliced tomatoes, sliced boiled eggs and cheese (or sea food or chicken), sprinkle with paprika. At Fultonia’s, we use non-fattening, exotic herb dressing. Refrigerate and see you chop vegetables in the last container and keep them fresh and crisp. Use them within 12 hours if possible.
Based on Food Historian Dr. Frederick Douglass Opie’s Work in Progress