A Diet for Treating Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Federal Art Project Poster circa 1938, Courtesy of the Library of Congress
Naturopath Dr. Alvenia Fulton was born in Tennessee in 1893. From 1971 to 1972 Fulton wrote “Eating for Your Health and Strength,” a column in the Black-owned-and-operated Chicago Defender about health, healing, and nutrition.. She told her readers that research showed a direct coloration between a nutrient rich diet and preventing and or reversing mental health issues. Citing the research of Dr. George Watson and many others, Fulton taught that juicing, eating healthy food, and taking regiment of vitamin and mineral supplements is the appropriate recipe for those suffering from schizophrenia, depression, dementia, and a host of other mental health issues. Fulton also advocated a nutrient rich diet along with supplements for treating drug and alcohol addiction.
Based on Food Historian Dr. Frederick Douglass Opie’s Work in Progress