Owning A Cash Cow
Courtesy of The New York Public Library
Naturopath Dr. Alvenia Fulton was born in Tennessee in 1893. She grew up on a farm in Pulaski, Tennessee about 75 miles from Nashville. Her family owned three or more cows. George Washington Carver at this to say about farmers and cows. “A good cow is half of any family's living, as she will furnish all the butter, milk, cream, etc., that the ordinary family can use, and if properly cared for a surplus can be had to sell.” The Fulton’s cows kept the family well supplied with fresh milk, butter, and cottage cheese. Pulaski has a long history in the dairy industry. Local farmers sold their milk to a city owned and operated processing plant in 1921. Thereafter larger companies opened operations. The milk demand had been large and the Fultons sold milk to the Borden Milk Company and the Pulaski Pure Milk Company at a profit. Both milk companies sent their trucks down highway number 21 to collect milk from farmers like the Fultons.