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Lent Part 5, Fish Chowder Recipe

Lent Part 5, Fish Chowder Recipe

Courtesy of Library of Congress

Courtesy of Library of Congress

Research on the culinary traditions of Lent have resulted in a good number of sources from the late nineteenth century to the 1940s. Most come from historic newspapers and images. From the pages of a March 21, 1942 edition of the Chicago Defender: "The following recipe for the use of fish is a result of the housewives need for menu changes during Lent, and are submitted also as foods needed for better health."

Fish Chowder Recipe

Serves 6


¼ cup diced fat salt pork

¾ cup sliced onions

2 cups hot water

2 cups sliced potatoes

1 ½ fillet of Haddock

2 ½ teaspoons salt

dash of pepper

1 cup evaporated milk

3 cups fresh milk


Dry out salt pork and kettle until crisp and delicately browned. Add onions and sauté slowly. Add water and potatoes and cook five minutes, or until potatoes are partially done. Then add fish frozen or thawed and cook until it may be separated in large pieces with a fork. Add remaining ingredients, reheat and serve.

Chicago Defender, March 21, 1942

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